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Derek Simmons is a 5-9 shooting guard with a penchant for trash-talk that he can't back up. He is a graduate of the University of Kansas, which went to the Final Four three times and won one national championship during his undergraduate career.

Paul Smith is a 6-1 power forward with lead feet and a shot so unorthodox that passersby who witness it often stop to offer medical assistance. He is a graduate of Willamette University, so he has latched on to the University of Oregon as his Division I representative school.

Rand Simmons is the Midwest Regional Coordinator for St. James Day Activities. On this year's agenda: Watch the tournament, grill Kielbasa, fill out brackets, and occasionally scratch himself. Rand was in charge of Smackdown Central for the Smackdown NCAA Tournament Pool from 20xx-2016.

Tifani Jefferis is the Southern Regional Coordinator of St. James Day Activities. She is a dyed-in-the-wool Duke fan, and a bona-fide member of the Junior League, each of which she has overcome admirably. As well, she makes wonderful deviled eggs.

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